Nataraja: Lord of the Dance of Destruction

Without doubt one of my favorite manifestations of Shiva. Here he is fulfilling his function as destroyer of the cosmos. The figure has always been one of the chief motifs of ancient Indian art, Shaivism being the oldest of Hinduisms sects. The image itself is rife with symbolism, which is why it appeals to me so much.

At the base we see that Shiva is crushing an Asura/Demon which personifies Evil itself: lust, greed, dispassion, cruelty etc.

Snakes are both a symbol of wisdom as well as a symbol of Kundalini energy of Yoga. As the Supreme yogic master, Shiva is seen to be bristling with them. The are also a symbol that inspires fear in us. This shows that even things which we see as evil and hurt us all ultimately serve God.

Shiva is wreathed in flames. In one arm he holds fire aloft. The flames reduce all creation to its base elements. At the same time they bring light and warmth to us.

One hand is held in abhay mudra – the gesture of fearlessness. The other is reaching to grant blessings and tells the faithful to fear not. While destroying with the flames in one hand, Shiva is simultaneously beginning creation all over again by using the small drum he carries to beat out the primordial sound – Om – with which the universe was given form. It is the heartbeat of the cosmos.

Shiva’s third eye is open. The destruction he brings is not blind but serves a purpose. And the open third eye, of the Ajna chakra of Wisdom symbolizes that he can see what we cannot. The stars and planets are entangled in his hair as ornaments which gives the universe itself structure. – cosmic string theory anyone?

Yes, so in short – LOVE it!

About Adrian A

A fellow traveler on the path...

Posted on April 25, 2012, in Spirituality and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Love the idol. can you help me where can i buy it?

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