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John Goodman – 46 Million Dollar DUI Death Settlement


This man just makes my stomach turn. Here we have a multi millionaire who drove under the influence and killed one of the poor peasants. Rather than owning up to it, he claims the vehicle suddenly acted up and he lost control of it. This is despite the results of his blood alcohol tests. Then when confronted with the settlement: he adopts his skanky girlfriend in an attempt to secure his fortune.

THEN he and his lawyers accuse the judge of biasing the jury. As if any sane jury would not have been convinced when presented with the evidence anyway. In all of this I wonder if Mr. Goodman has even expressed genuine remorse for what he has done to the family of the departed.

It makes me sick when in this day and age the rich and powerful still seem to think we are living in the dark ages. We peasants have rights too you know. That is the very face of guilt if I ever saw it. Here’s to justice being served!