Category Archives: E! Gossip

Congrats, Anderson Cooper!

So, yes we all suspected and for good reason. Pretty much an open secret and he never one denied, or made a show of it either…but there was always that 5% doubt (like my mom, my cousin and mostly females I know). But now, our suspicions have been confirmed! Happy Coming Out, Daddy…er…I mean, Mr. Cooper! *blush*

Matt Bomer, Officially Out At Last!

After it long being an “open secret”, White Collar’s Matt Bomer’s gay status has finally been revealed. Since February. Man, the Adult Medicine rotation really have me out of the loop. While accepting his award at the Chase Humanitarian Award function, he called out to his (lucky) hubby and two kids. So glad am I that another one of us has finally and completely accepted himself. Props!

Of course…now that I know he’s taken…*sigh*

Marky Mark…Typical Hypocrite…

I am not surprised really. I have found Roman Catholics to be the most hypocritical of the bunch. So apparently the so called reformed Roman Catholic, Mark Wahlberg, is not the saint he purports to be. One day after helping a nun cross the road, our boy was espied sneaking out of a sex shop with a sleazy grin on his face. In one hand he held the world’s first blow up doll of plus size porn actress April Flores, and in the other some kind of sex toy.

This is the same Mark Wahlberg who turned down a role in Brokeback Mountain on the advice of his RC Father, who guides his career choices – although I suppose the good padre thinks movies with sex and violence are otherwise fine. Says Mark: “The first thing I do everyday is pray.” I do so wonder what the second thing is. Those things he’s carrying are giving me ideas. One needs to wonder if he might be slipping back into his old habits of drug abuse and domestic (and other) violence. Seems stupidity is his one enduring quality.

In an awful hurry ain’t you, Mark? Nature must be calling. Seems he likes the girls with some meat on the bones. At least he didn’t expose his hypocrisy for the cliched busty blond…