Back Again…

So I’m back again after a long absence. School and exams had been taking their toll, hence the vanishing without a trace. I’m back home in Georgia now to be with my family for a couple weeks. Maybe more depending. My mom is scheduled for an operation on Friday and depending on how things go I might decide to take a leave of absence from school for a few months. So I might have some more time to blog. 🙂

About Adrian A

A fellow traveler on the path...

Posted on August 1, 2012, in Personal. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Hey Adrian, Hope all goes well with your mum. She will be in my thoughts. Hope you can also get to recharge your batteries while you are home too.

  2. Hi Adrian, I’ll be sending good thoughts to you guys on Friday, hope everything goes well!

  3. Hey Adrian, enjoy your time at home. Hope all goes well with you mom.

  4. Thanks you guys! But unfortunately…Grrr…surgery been postponed for one week. Grrr…


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