Water: Are You Drinking Enough?

Eight tall glasses a day. That’s what we have been told for decades. But is it really enough. Not quite.Recently I made a shocking discovery about a friend of mine. A friend of seven years – she does not drink water plain. She quickly defended herself and said to me, “I flavor it with tea or coffee.” Now that is a problem. Why? Because both substances are classed as diuretics – they make you pee. So with each glass of “flavored water” she actually will be losing some of the precious liquid. Added to the fact I suspect she, like many of us, do not drink enough fluid in the first place…

The human body is mostly water. Most of us know this. An average persion is about 60-70% water by weight. Obese individuals and women have lesser percentages owing to more body fat – but are nonetheless majorly comprised of water. An adult typically requires approximately 2.5-3 liters of fluid replacement a day to offset losses in urine, breathing, sweat and defacation. Not all of this comes from liquid water, but some from food as well.

The Institute of Medicine has determined that…

an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

As you can see for men eight cups is not nearly enough – it is five cups less than what we should be aiming for. We are after all comprised of more water than women. Women drinking eight cups should aim for nine – one cup can make a difference. Just ask any dehydration sufferer.

Each and every one of our metabolic processes relies on water for their efficient function. They all occur in solution. Symptoms of dehydration (mild) include…

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or light-headedness
  • Decreased metabolism
  • Increased oiliness of the skin as the body pulls water from less critical organs

So for God’s sake…drink some more water. If your urine is not a light straw color and is a pronounced yellow – you aren’t doing the right thing.

About Adrian A

A fellow traveler on the path...

Posted on April 29, 2012, in Health and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I love water. I love the taste, and the cool way it feels in my mouth. I drink a minimum of 6 litres per day and have for 30 years or more. Just can’t get enough! In our desert heat I usually go up to around 10 litres a day in summer.

    • Wow! With the amount of water you guys must drink due to the climate…can one miss the excessive thirst that marks the beginning stages of diabetes I wonder? Did you know unlike us, dogs can actually taste the water? 😛

  2. I find that I frequently attribute my ‘water hunger’ to dehydration when, in reality, it might very well be linked to my (poorly managed) diabetes. I really should probably do some research to learn how to determine if it’s diabetes related or, if it really matters. Thanks for this post, Adrian!

    • Ooooooh…diabetes. Oh boy, sorry to hear that, Jim. And yes you probably should look into diabetic control. Dangerous condition when not managed properly.

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