Home Again At Last…

Spent the day traveling back to Miami. School restarts for me on Monday. I have got mixed feelings about it but…I guess once I get back into the swing of things I’ll be okay. On the bright side…the house was nowhere near the state of chaos I expected it to be.

My roommates had be worried when they told me they were resorting to eating out of cans since I’ve been gone, lol. Time to get back to my routine. *sigh*

About Adrian A

A fellow traveler on the path...

Posted on April 28, 2012, in Personal. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Glad you arrived safe and sound Adrian! Cans lol I am sure you will be much more appreciated now!

  2. You spoil those boys. lol

    • 9 times out of 10 they don’t deserve it. But…then they do something special that makes it worthwhile. 😛

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